Project day with INFIS school - cooperation with SIT Port - AI Discovery
30. 9. 2022

Project day with INFIS school - cooperation with SIT Port - AI Discovery
Project day with students from INFIS (High School of Informatics and Financial Services, Plzeň)
creation of a start-up by students and their participation in the AI Discovery competition
supporting talented students
workshop focused on artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things
cooperation with SIT Port
SIT Port
a port for tech enthusiasts looking for a place to dock
a port for aspiring businessmen attracted by the entrepreneurial waters
a port for anyone who wants to set sail in a new direction

SIT Port's main activities:
Building a technical community
Supporting budding entrepreneurs
Providing facilities - office, technical equipment, SIT Port Garage
more information:
"Start-uping" for schools
"Start-uping" is a program designed to provide information from the world of business in an attractive way and to provide support to potential candidates in starting their own business.
The programme is part of the regular curriculum and is designed to run for one term, with students attending two lessons per week. The aim is for them to come up with a project they would like to work on, choose a topic they enjoy and then learn about different areas of business through that project.
Several experts from the world of business are involved in the project. Students have the opportunity to discover how the whole world of business works. They will try out communication, presentation and argumentation skills. They will also gain an understanding of law, branding, advertising, social media, finance and more. Nvias was entrusted with the execution of this program and we were able to conduct a our project day.
Project day
A project day focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) took place at the Nvias Learning Centre. Under the guidance of our mentors, the students learned about the basic concepts related to AI. Topics such as computer vision, speech technologies, text understanding and the social aspects of implementing AI were discussed. The students were able to try working with the Google Experiment AI Teachable machine (an image recognition tool). They also worked with the Google Assistant (voice recognition) and the Google DialogFlow tool for creating a chatbot. In addition to AI, students learned the basics of working with IoT and neural networks.
Once students have acquired all the necessary knowledge, it’s time to put it to the test in practice. The participants are divided into teams. The teams represent a newly formed start-up and are tasked with bringing their fictional company to success. At the end, the students present their projects. Students are given feedback and mentors advise on what needs the most work.
AI Discovery Show
After attending the project days, students can take part in our AI Discovery Show competition. Young inventors are given a real-world problems by our partners. Students are tasked to solve the problem using AI, IoT and other technologies. The teams then present their projects in front of the best in their branch – namely professionals from our corporate partners and representatives of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia. Students not only get to know the experts and get their support, but in case they impress the aforementioned partners, they can get an attractive job offer or guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia. The project has a practical application. When students solve a problem for a technology company, the company naturally shows interest in their product… and a new start-up is born. Students can become successful entrepreneurs with a vision to change the world in the blink of an eye.
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