Online Camp; International

1. 6. 2020


Imagine there's no ...

.. in fact there's no borders in the online world.

Let's go discover the AI the international way

Experiences from the international environment is essential for global business. We've decided we will leverage the opportunity of online world and bring the AI Discovery experience to European students across Europe.

We've ask our friendly organizations and schools to nominate students for the online project day AI Discovery.

5 team from 5 countries will create 5 AI startups

11th of June - from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Registration for the teams

[Form id="38"]

Coordination Partners

Big thanks to organizations which helps us with coordination´.

.ugb-1de4bb3-content-wrapper.ugb-container__content-wrapper{width:100% !important}.ugb-1de4bb3.ugb-container{margin-top:-30px !important} Smíchovská střední průmyslová Škola, Czech republic Projektmanagement of European Region Danube-Vltava at
Bezirk Oberpfalz, Germany Mladiinfo Poland

Nejvíc hot články právě teď!

naše firmy prezentace
naše firmy prezentace
naše firmy prezentace

Podnikání v Plzni, spolupráce s MTA a Lipkou

25. 11. 2024


You can choose to set up different types of input fields depending on your content. For instance, a blog might have a title, a slug, and a long-form field.

Municipality 16+

23. 11. 2024


You can choose to set up different types of input fields depending on your content. For instance, a blog might have a title, a slug, and a long-form field.

Rok nvias s řízením projektů ve Freelo

18. 6. 2024


You can choose to set up different types of input fields depending on your content. For instance, a blog might have a title, a slug, and a long-form field.

Představení studenstkých projektů #1 - LASAR - Space4Talents

14. 6. 2024


You can choose to set up different types of input fields depending on your content. For instance, a blog might have a title, a slug, and a long-form field.

AI konference na GASOŠ Rokycany

15. 1. 2024


You can choose to set up different types of input fields depending on your content. For instance, a blog might have a title, a slug, and a long-form field.

Zakončení Space4Talents - Projekty talentů za rok 2023

6. 1. 2024


You can choose to set up different types of input fields depending on your content. For instance, a blog might have a title, a slug, and a long-form field.

Future Workforce Show - Nejlepší studentské projekty

25. 12. 2023


You can choose to set up different types of input fields depending on your content. For instance, a blog might have a title, a slug, and a long-form field.

Hydra Racing Pilsen - Novinky z vodíkových autíček

24. 12. 2023


You can choose to set up different types of input fields depending on your content. For instance, a blog might have a title, a slug, and a long-form field.

Partnerství s AIMTEC (Space4Talents, Technologie a projekty)

6. 12. 2023


You can choose to set up different types of input fields depending on your content. For instance, a blog might have a title, a slug, and a long-form field.

Projekt Naše firmy v energetice a strojírenství

11. 11. 2023


You can choose to set up different types of input fields depending on your content. For instance, a blog might have a title, a slug, and a long-form field.


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Kliknutím na tlačítko "Odebírat" souhlasíte s GDPR


Kliknutím na tlačítko "Odebírat" souhlasíte s GDPR