Climate Rules
16. 9. 2022

Climate Rules
Project day inspired by the board game Climate Rules
4-hour long project day about saving the planet for elementary and high schools in Pilsen and its surroundings and in Prague
Education in ecology, sustainable development, world economy...
Teamwork - managing fictional states and their environmental ambitions

The goal of the project
As times change, so does the nature of education. Today, school is not seen as the end of the education process, but as a prelude to lifelong learning. School should prepare the student to apply the knowledge that he/she will be able to use after leaving school. Today, the topic of global warming and climate change is very important to discuss and solve. Adressing this complex topic requieres knowledge from almost all subjects taught in our schools. The project aims to foster competence, to lead children to reflect on the topic and then address the situation. The project day is closely connected to the real world and its labor market, as it is necesarry to prepare pupils for their upcoming interactions with their future employer. Throughout the game, pupils are educated about the labor market by means of model situations. Although it does not replace actual professional experience, it aims to prepare pupils theoretically and practically for situations they may encounter in their future professional life. The pupil will learn about jobs from different perspectives and the basic principles of the market economy. Last but not least, pupils will also experience managing financial recources and making responsible investments.
How does project day look like
The backbone of the project is learning through play, therefore, whole event aims to create a valuable experience. Pupils are divided into teams. Each team represents a fictional country. Although the countries are made up, they are assigned geological, political, environmental and social characteristics that resemble the real situation in the different countries and continents of our planet. For example, the fictional state of Unitica is a dominant player in the political arena thanks to its size, mineral recources, multicultural society, strong economy and advanced industry. The state has a cheerless history of colonisation and oppression of the indigenous population. At the same time, the country has to deal with many problems related to gun laws Despite its advanced economy, the state faces environmental threats as the society is consumer-oriented and there is a huge waste of natural resources. Students become the government and ministers of this country, strikingly reminiscent of the United States, as well other countries.
In their collective quest to save the planet, governments face many challenges. Environmental disasters, difficult international relationships and individual problems of each state stand in their way. Each country, as in the real world, has strengths, but also many weaknesses that need to be addressed. Students will engage in hands-on exploration and development of "green" technologies to bring about salvation. The game is very comprehensive and will test pupils' knowledge of almost all school subjects. Knowledge of geography, IT and ecology is essential, as well as knowledge of biology and chemistry.
Feedback - What did pupils learn
8,7% learned nothing
8,7% learned how to cooporate with others effectively
8,7% discovered new technologies
13% discovered how the public administration works
13% learned about hydrogen technologies
26,1% learned about new ways of protecting the environment
21,7% learned the basics of investing
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