Education 4.0 in Pilsen Region

Education 4.0

The Pilsen Region received financial support in a project focused on supporting teachers and stimulating pupils’ interest in technical branches with close links to regional employers. The amount of the grant was up to 188 million CZK and thanks to this we were able to participate in the project and carry out several different project days.

Our Achievements

  •  We have inspired 453 students from high schools and grammar schools across the Pilsen Region
  • 5 teachers completed our accredited intensive training on the use of AI in education
  • We inspired total of 18 teachers
  • We partnered with total of 7 high schools and grammar schools
  • We organized over 20 project days

Events we have carried out

  • Our Companies project days in cooperation with SPŠD (Secondary Industrial of Transport)
  • Climate Rules project days in cooperation with ISSŽIV (Integrated Secondary School of enterpreuneurship)  and GaSOŠ Rokycany (Grammar school and Secondary school Rokycany)
  • IoT Virtual prototyping in Minecraft – workshops at GaSOŠ Rokycany
  • Intensive courses for teachers on use of AI in education – at SPŠD, Luďek Pika Grammar School and INFIS (Secondary School of Computer Science and Financial Services)
  • Further training to support education at SPŠD a Grammar School Blovice
  • AI Discovery project

Our Companies project days


Our Companies project days are designed for elementary schools as well as high schools. The aim of the project days is to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for pupil’s upcoming professional life – creativity, critical thinking, teamwork and IT skills. During the project day, pupils will learn the most important terms from business, economics and computer science. Pupils have to come up their own investment strategy, implement their marketing plan and represent their company in front of the others. They also have the unique opportunity to build and program a robot. During whole day are Children supervised by qualified mentors from Nvias

Climate Rules


The backbone of the project is learning through play, therefore, whole event aims to create a valuable experience. Pupils are divided into teams. Each team represents a fictional country. Although the countries are made up, they are assigned geological, political, environmental and social characteristics that resemble the real situation in the different countries and continents of our planet. For example, the fictional state of Unitica is a dominant player in the political arena thanks to its size, mineral recources, multicultural society, strong economy and advanced industry. The state has a cheerless history of colonisation and oppression of the indigenous population. At the same time, the country has to deal with many problems related to gun laws  Despite its advanced economy, the state faces environmental threats as the society is consumer-oriented and there is a huge waste of natural resources. Students become the government and ministers of this country, strikingly reminiscent of the United States, as well other countries.

In their collective quest to save the planet, governments face many challenges. Environmental disasters, difficult international relationships and individual problems of each state stand in their way. Each country, as in the real world, has strengths, but also many weaknesses that need to be addressed. Students will engage in hands-on exploration and development of “green” technologies to bring about salvation. The game is very comprehensive and will test pupils’ knowledge of almost all school subjects. Knowledge of geography, IT and ecology is essential, as well as knowledge of biology and chemistry.


AI Discovery


At the beginning of the AI Discovery workshop, students will be introduced to basic concepts related to artificial intelligence. Topics such as computer vision, speech technologies, text understanding and social aspects of AI implementation are discussed. Students can try out working with the Google Experiment AI Teachable machine (an image recognition tool). They also work with Google Assistant (voice recognition) and Google DialogFlow for creating a chatbot. In addition to AI, students will learn the basics of working with the Internet of Things and neural networks. Once students have acquired all the necessary knowledge, it’s time to put it in practice. Participants are divided into teams. The teams represent a newly formed start-up and are tasked with bringing their made up company to success. At the end, the students present their projects. Students are given feedback and mentors advise on which part of the project needs the most work. 

AI Discovery Show

After attending the project days, students can take part in our AI Discovery Show competition. Young inventors are given a real-world problems by our partners. Students are tasked to solve the problem using AI, IoT and other technologies. The teams then present their projects in front of the best in their branch – namely professionals from our corporate partners and representatives of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia. Students not only get to know the experts and get their support, but in case they impress the aforementioned partners, they can get an attractive job offer or guaranteed admission to the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia. The project has a practical application. When students solve a problem for a technology company, the company naturally shows interest in their product… and a new start-up is born. Students can become successful entrepreneurs with a vision to change the world in the blink of an eye.

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